“OneStop Technical Solution” is have a specialised wing working mainly on ‘BANKFUSION EQUATION” . We offer our Consulting services/Projects/Development for Equation Core Banking and expertise in the following domains –
Few of our team members who have worked with Finastra/Misys have experience for more than 20+ years on Equation Implementation, Upgrades, Training, Development, data migration, development and few have worked in Bank’s IT using Equation. Couple of us are ex-Finastra/Misys involved with Equation Core Banking.
All Modules of Equation – Core, Retail Deposit, Equation Lending (including Commercial Lending if required), ILM, Collateral, Profitability, Clean Payments, FX/MM, Report, Clearing, Account Services, Swift and other Equation Add on Enhancements like Enhance Security Features, Transaction Queuing, Enhance Fees and Charges, Movement Account Delinquency etc.
Equation Development (API’s and user exit using RPG and ITP), Interface building using, MQ, socket, ODBC, java and other technology. MIMIX, AS400 Features (maintenance, upgrade OS, security, job controls, Performance tuning, Error analysis and problem fixing). Equation job management, EOD’s, new unit, backup and restore of units, Recovery, 24X7, Commitment control, Multi streaming etc.
Our team is experienced in data migration from and to Equation. We have experience of bank merger related data extraction and migration. Experienced on integration with data warehouse and reporting systems and regulatory reporting.
Islamic Finance, Profit Distribution
From Equation 3.0 to latest release of FBEQ4.3.xx
All Modules of Equation core banking, Technical.